Organic Plantmilks

Unrivaled taste, quality ingredients and certified USDA-organic. With Mooala, you can enjoy your plantmilks, knowing they're made with clean ingredients and without toxic pesticides, preservatives and artificial flavors.

Introducing Mooala Simple

It's as simple as this: no gums, no oils, no fillers. Just organic goodness.

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The Organic Difference

Our customers say


"I love this milk! It looks and tastes so clean!"

Mel K

"I absolutely love that this milk is made with just 3 ingredients, and it tastes great! I use it in so many things and am so grateful for this brand."


"Can’t say enough great things about this product."


"I have been switching this into my daily coffees and overnight oats. Sometimes I’ll even drink it from the is simple yet delicious!"


"We love this organic almond milk for how clean it is, and how great it tastes."


About Mooala

Mooala was founded with the goal of making USDA-organic plant-based milks more accessible and affordable to U.S. households. Our beverages are USDA-organic and made with good ingredients like real, organic bananas and organic coconut cream. 

We believe goodness should flow deeper than the beverages themselves, which is why we support non-profit micro finance organizations in developing countries. These groups provide entrepreneurs and economies with a “hand up” - not a hand out - and provide tremendous support to communities in need. A portion of all of our profits to support these organizations. 

Thanks for helping us spread the love.
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